Once upon a time Mel got a big haul. Those who have been on the lists a long long time will recall those stories. To summarize, a retired Viking Tech was getting rid of his stuff stored in his garage from his sewing Tech years. This included a huge number of machines and parts. The whole lot was purchased as "one" unit with machines as is. Today Ol' Mel, years later, went diving for a Sensor Sew Machine because the machines she got out did not do the stitches, built in, that Pei wanted/needed for her repair job. Well said Sensor Sew was missing a couple of things so I went digging for parts to get her up to speed. I needed a spool cap and would you believe like everything else they are not readily exchangable between brands.....sigh. So; I spotted a case I thought contained a Kenmore and went to great lengths to haul it out of the closet (don't worry, will pay tomorrow already sore) and alas it was a New Home. But; knowing alot of them were compatible I hauled her to the living room. This New Home MemoryCraft 5500 had no controller and had long been overlooked and forgotten. Well I took the spool cap and did my best and utmost (hubbie too) with the Sensor Sew but it had an issue we could not resolve in a couple of hours... So I took the controller from it and just as I suspected it was the same one that poor long put away New Home needed. Well that bugger fired right up and sews the most MOST gorgeous tiny little stitches I am in love! :) Alas; I have no manual for this baby and would love to have one. The Sensor Sew is in the corner now...of the naughty machines in need of more than I can give right now....back hallway, and the New Home is graduated and sitting on the coffee table basking in the glow of attention for the first time in at least ten years! After ten years sitting for lack of a controller, or more, she fired right up and did everything I tried perfectly. So if anyone has a manual for this baby, will be contacting Justina my dear friend in WV and checking with Janome site; please let me know! I am tickled as a kid in a candy store finding a treasure of a machine hiding in plain site in my own closet! Makes the fact that one I spent $$ on is not working. This baby was paid for long ago. I figure in that haul the machines cost me $5. I long ago sold more than enough from the haul that it was paid for. I still have stuff left. This baby, while is discolored in spots, seems to have everything except bobbins and needles and manual. So I wait to hea! Ladies and gents... I am tickled!
Mel (who is easy to thrill)
Note: Got a manual, PDF, from Janome in a matter of hours!