You know what bothers me? Well Barack Obama bothers me. I still can't grasp that he is it. I mean I know he is... I know he is to be President. But; I can't accept it. It bothers me! Everytime I hear folks go all gushy about how wonderful it was that he was elected and all that I cringe...I change the channel. Sorry. That is true though. I don't know what is coming. I am not thinking he is the "answer" that so many think he is. Life in the meantime does go on. I have decisions to make as we all do. Things have not gone well here lately. Zeb had meningitis, is out of the hospital and will be fine. The cat scan was clear and the spinal proved viral meningitis as opposed to bacterial. And he did have a Meningitis shot before going to college. I don't know....just don't know. We will see what more comes next. My oldest has problems with Pei per usual more still again.... I can't deal with it anymore. And with all that, my husband is still what he is and it gets hard to take when troubles are deeper. He is not helpful he adds to them and I NEED a hug! :) I so want to just cuddle up and have a hug! But; such is life. :)
Bye! Too much information! See you all soon I hope!
My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year - New Playlist....
First of is the updated playlist! :) And; Happy New Year! Been a rough couple of days here. :) Son had meningitis, still does, but discharged from the hospital now. It was "viral" meningitis. Had the sleeping and bad neck, vomitting, headache, pain and that. The spinal confirmed viral and the cat scan was normal. The stress of knowing that even when sick he only wanted to talk to his Dad as evidenced by him and his girlfriend always calling him, hurts. That is life though. My oldest son having issues again/still with his SO hurts. They are right next door and I have had my fill. Too close to it. It is their daughter I have all the time. I love her to death. My New Years Resolutions are to pursue getting an Angel Food Ministries Outlet set up in my local church where there is great need in the community for such. And to pursue again, still more, my volunteering particularly as a Girl Scout Leader....starting with a Daisy Troop next year (if I don't leave the nest) for my little Iris. She is my girl afterall! Love her to death. :) And; to continue to do all I can whatever it might be to help those in need. Hopefully to go back to work at least part time.
Newly Updated for the New Year!
Newly Updated for the New Year!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This is totally "Coull"
I had a very very good friend at work when I was working....named Alan B. Coull. He is the ultimate sweetheart and quite the character. Well tonight I ran across his Christmas Video. He started it last year and looks like he has doctored it some since I last knew of it. It is totally country and totally "Coull". :) I love it and wanted to share it. It is something too good to be missed...especially if you can take a little country! Here it is!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Lights of my Life - The Babies!

These are Grammie's best babies... The granddaughter Iris, four-years-old and the "babies" Mei Mei & Spiderman, at least half Manx rescued four weeks ago from the road as brand spankin' newborns. They are bottleraised (just coming off gradually as I encourage them to "eat") and just the sweetest. If you folks recall, I fostered 26 kittens over the Summer and kept three that I figured I had put too much into to have them caged the rest of their life for lack of adoptions. I figured with their issues noone would take them. Now I have three Seniors in the house, three juvenile kitties (who rule the house and cost lots of vet care $$) and these two. Hopefully; in spite of the vet's fears, these two will continue with good health and not have the impaired immune system disease that their Juvenile siblings have..... :) I forget the correct name but the nickname is "herpe's cats" and NO it is not contagious to any other species just allows them to catch every bug that comes down the street and keeps them down too often.
Anyhow; I talk too much. :) Hope to hear from all you cat lovers, craft lovers, soapers, sewers, grandmothers and friends soon! :)
Hope the holidays are treating you well and the shopping nightmares are not winning.
Cat Rescue,
Herpes Cat,
Monday, December 1, 2008
More Talk....Music
So last night I ended up staying up later than ever...even for me. I got started working on this and putting my Playlist in. After hours of effort and attempts I resigned myself to the fact that I could only get my Playlist on here, this site, as a "post" apparently meaning my site is not set up to do this like others and have it separately on the side or whatever yet. I will have to make some contacts later on and figure it out. But; for now, I have a playlist just before this post as a post. It is full of music of types and styles and particular songs that I have loved specifically for various reasons and songs I remember my Dad singing when I was a child. There are many more really old ones I need to find and get in there .... but; as for now, I am tickled with it. Thanks again Sue for putting playlist in your blog which inspired me to do the same!
Mel (running hours behind and chores behind but happy to be up this morning and be with her "kitties" in spite of the vets edict of their "condition" which we will discuss in another post.... Have you ever heard the term "herpes cats"? Well if you have you might know where I am going. I had never heard the term and was freaking out without research. Research put it in perspective and I realized I had heard of it but by a different name. Well if half my newcomer rescues from the Summer fosters (the rejects) and my two newbie babies have be it. They are the most "special" cats I have ever had. When I can sit in the DR and call by name and they answer from whatever room they are "shut" in so I can come rescue them.. They are bright.
OK I quit now... I promise. Later!
Mel (running hours behind and chores behind but happy to be up this morning and be with her "kitties" in spite of the vets edict of their "condition" which we will discuss in another post.... Have you ever heard the term "herpes cats"? Well if you have you might know where I am going. I had never heard the term and was freaking out without research. Research put it in perspective and I realized I had heard of it but by a different name. Well if half my newcomer rescues from the Summer fosters (the rejects) and my two newbie babies have be it. They are the most "special" cats I have ever had. When I can sit in the DR and call by name and they answer from whatever room they are "shut" in so I can come rescue them.. They are bright.
OK I quit now... I promise. Later!
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