My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year - New Playlist....

First of is the updated playlist! :) And; Happy New Year! Been a rough couple of days here. :) Son had meningitis, still does, but discharged from the hospital now. It was "viral" meningitis. Had the sleeping and bad neck, vomitting, headache, pain and that. The spinal confirmed viral and the cat scan was normal. The stress of knowing that even when sick he only wanted to talk to his Dad as evidenced by him and his girlfriend always calling him, hurts. That is life though. My oldest son having issues again/still with his SO hurts. They are right next door and I have had my fill. Too close to it. It is their daughter I have all the time. I love her to death. My New Years Resolutions are to pursue getting an Angel Food Ministries Outlet set up in my local church where there is great need in the community for such. And to pursue again, still more, my volunteering particularly as a Girl Scout Leader....starting with a Daisy Troop next year (if I don't leave the nest) for my little Iris. She is my girl afterall! Love her to death. :) And; to continue to do all I can whatever it might be to help those in need. Hopefully to go back to work at least part time.

Newly Updated for the New Year!

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