My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Regarding Men on a Mission.... Mormon Missionaries

I guess as we all know, throughout life, there are some things we notice more than others.  Mine is "boys".  Not in the traditional sense either.  But; I spent so many years of my life raising my five, hosting their friends and watching them do all those things that boys do...that I can't help but notice to this day the attributes of a growing young man. 

So all that said, today again I was awakened early by a knock at the door.  Now everyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. I am up til the wee hours of the night and sleep mornings.  Just how things fall into place (or not) for me.  The dogs got me out of bed and I made it to the door at about 9 a.m. just in time to see the backs of several suited young men gleefully running through yards and around back down to the main road. I knew who they were, or of what they were.  There were about five  young men all dressed pretty much the same going door to door for our Mormon friends.  :)  But; they reminded me of a bunch of just cut loose Butterflies heading for the prettiest flower on the property.  Just dancing away and going through all those athletic wannabe contortions that young men do...   You know, like when they can't go through a doorway without making sure they still can or can't jump up and touch it?  Or having jumping contests to see if any of them YET can touch the ceiling.  Those were the days.  The days I miss. 

In spite of all that I have to say to our Mormon friends that I don't bite!  :)  I am not Mormon but I do tolerate.  I remember the crew I had way back...about ten years ago. They would come by and we would chat for a while and drink some lemonade or water or something, usually in the yard, and they would be on their way. The nicest bunch I ever had.  :)  This Summer is the first Summer I have had a group knock on my door since.  This being their second attempt that I know of, I have to say, they should try later in the day!  :)  Perhaps with a little more purpose and intent and give folks a chance to answer the door, and maybe not act as if noone was watching them flee down the hill dancing all the way!

Did anyone ever visit that heavily advertised chat thing they have going on?  I tried to one night just to check it out.  Never got a response from them by email or in the chat program.  Perhaps they should be a little more vigilant in their followups!  :)

Yep, that was my morning starter...  OK wannabe starter.  I went back to bed.  It was afterall not "TIME" for me to get up.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!

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