My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Found Right On My Face....

Remember the joke... I mean the folks who are looking and looking for their glasses and find them right on their face? Well; this is kind of based on that. You see I was in the Living Room tediously refilling small bottles of her highness' choice from the bigger bottles of paint. In the process there were multiple choices and lids involved. Well I sat there looking for a lid and Iris, four-years-old "still" as she says, was looking too. Finally I found the lid...already on the bottle. When I stated I had it and it was already on the bottle I realized she was already starting at me patiently kind of without words as to what to say... She had seen it first.... But; no cracks no remarks. I think that is one of the unique arrangements between grandchildren and their grandparents.... We are ideally patient with them always and they learn that patience and return it to us. They don't mind a little senility if we don't mind the little kid things that happen. They have not yet learned to "judge" and be critical. Oh it would be so nice if the whole world would just stay that way!


1 comment:

momofa2e said...

Want to hear worse? When I had 3 kids all between 1 and 4 yrs old we were getting ready to leave church and I thought for a second I was missing a kid...and then I realized she was on my hip. :)