My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Just Grammie Mel: So Much On My Mind re: Military & Ft. Hood

Just Grammie Mel: So Much On My Mind re: Military & Ft. Hood

So Much On My Mind re: Military & Ft. Hood

I sit here since the "news" yesterday and I think.  So many memories come back at this time of year anyhow regarding the military what with Veteran's Day and all that I am very vulnerable to "bad" news re:  same.  Then today my husband gets a call with a personal invite to the Veteran's Day Dinner at the VFW on the 11th...  More memories crowd in.  I think about yesterday at Ft. Hood and am overwhelmed with sadness for those who made the ultimate sacrifice (and mind you that is a very key phrase here as they make sacrifices every minute of their lives for us) and the families they left behind.  I am reminded of the very bad years I had to deal with the military, in this case the Navy.  My "Navy" days are long gone...almost 20 years hubbie has been out now.  The memories however, mostly bad, are with me.  I can't really think of any really good memories of the military wife life.  I do have some meories of a few folks, like Dorothy & 'Mo Elmore that provide a rare bright spot in those memories.  I could go on and on...but I digress.

You see those folks who lost their lives at Fort Hood made the "Ultimate" sacrifice anyone could make...their lives.  They are trained to be prepared for that eventuality because of the nature of their chosen career obligations in the military.  But; I don't think anyone can prepare anyone for the sacrifices they make on a daily basis.  I will never forget the TOTAL disregard for family the Navey (military) showed during the years I dealt with them.  It's not enough to be far from family and friends but to have to be subjected to horrid caregivers in the military doing it just because it is their job...  Shades of socialized medicine not unlike what we will have with Obams's plan...and leadership that encourages men/women to divorce rather than have a spouse who wants to be a "spouse".  Wives/spouses in particular are so isolated.  They have nothing but income their spouse allots to them.  Friends and family are far away and in most cases clueless to what the individual lives everyday.  Everyday a military spouse lives with stresses most of us will never have ot live with.  Because there is no room for "Family" in the military the spouse left behind (military widow) is in effect a single parents struggling to cope with separation anxieties of her own, her children, and life in general ALONE.  In my day we could not even be in touch in any way shape form or manner when spouses were underway in fast attack submarines as much as 80 to 90% of the year.  When "home" they were virtually on call at all times standing port and starbord duty days often with no opportunity for adequate rest.  Children grow up with a parent (active duty military) who has little time for them and often is an alcoholic or alcohol abuser as a result of the stresses they live under.  Thanks goodness for underway or some of them would never sober up.  :)  Mom's who choose to have children have the degradation of giving birth in military hospitals which while the facilities are capable of grand things and have some of the best doctors in the planet are subjected to verbal abuse and uncaring indifferent caregivers.  They have the medical skills but show total disregard for the women as human beings.  E-nothings are allowed to "practice" on patients including newborn babies.  Doctors are allowed to and get away with lying to patients to get permission to practice procedures on a healthy newborn.  Women are left to suffer "barbaric" conditions for delivery (in the words of one civilian physician) because of the lack of caring.

Anyhow; all this said, and thinking on those that lost their lives on top of the routine coping they have to do on a daily basis, I ask all of you:  Do what you can to support our mliitary. If you know someone married to a military person at least be an "ear" for them.  Show them you care by listening.  Sometimes that listening ear is more important than anything.  Please don't just tell them "call your whatever" or look at all you have.  They give their lives for "what they have".  Many extended families are not only geographically unavailable but are emotionally unavailble.  I remember being told by my mother to "give him a call on the phone" when trying to get some stuff off my chest.  Yeah, right!  Telephone communication with a submarine was excellent in the 70's and 80's.  Just be available to those military you know.....They do give all ...

Perhaps things have changed for the better with the Navy and military life in general.  But; nothing can change the fact that the lives are  full of stress...  Stress that is best helped I think by having a listening caring ear...someone to run to.  Don't take for granted what an advantage that is..what a help.  It could make the difference in a bigger way than you ever will know.  I know it would have in my life.


PS:  I can't help but wonder why this man who committed, allegedly, the atrocities at Ft. Hood, was still there in place with the opportunity to do what he did.  That just reeks of a "problem" we may never ever be privvy too.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Twist on "Wear Purple"

When I'm Old I'll Wear Purple,...
We have all heard that tale....
Dressing in purple is not just a dare...

But; me I'll do things
that others might think...
childish, imprudent, and like an "infink"...
I'll play with my food, 'cause I want to
you see....
I'll sing at the table
and happy I'll be...

Some will say senile,
but childlike I'll be....
wearing my purple for all folks to see.

Grammie Mel

Monday, September 28, 2009

Let Go & Let God..... Thoughts....

This phrase has come to mind for various reasons off and on over the years.  Yes; we do need to believe in a higher power and let our God be in charge...  Let Go & Let God....  Some things are just out of our control.  The well known Serenity Prayer also kind of ties into that statement...  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  :)  But; what does the scripture actually say?  Now; don't get me started on that.  I mean you ask ten people the same question about anything and you will get ten different interpretations each one individual adamantly declaring their version is right!  :)

So this brings me to my current concern.  There are so many out there leaving God in charge of the family planning.  OK that is great.  I don't have a problem with that at all.  But; at what point should our God given brains kick in?  Firstoff coming to mind is a certain lady who most of us have heard of.  She is expecting her 19th child, bless her soul.  But; honestly, to me she looks tired and her body has to be wearing out!  She is letting God plan her family?  Would he want Michelle Duggar to wear herself into the ground?  What happens to these children if something happens to the parents?  And; those older girls.  When were they children?  Will they want to raise their own children after raising their siblings for so many years?  Don't get me wrong, I think it is wonderful to see a large family all getting on well and self-sufficiently without costing the taxpayers.  But; when is enough enough?  What does God have to do to communicate "STOP"!  I guess he would have to render a couple infertile, which could happen...  But; isn't enough enough at some point?

I don't know.  Not making much sense I guess...  Trying to work it out here.  If you have input...please share!


PS:  Next writing may be on Obama-Nation an Abomination?  Hmmmmmm.....

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Rainbow Connection" - Grammie Style...

Have you ever pondered "connections" and wondered what it was all about?  When would the ultimate connection in your life happen?  Well; I have been through alot.  Most of us go through alot of one form or another in our lives before we are done.  Some is good, some is bad.  But; like I always say, the things we live today make us who we are tomorrow and I like to think that is all in the end for the better.  Being who we are is ok.  Hopefully; by the time we are grandparents we are getting a handle on who we are and therefore have earned the title "Grand" parent.  After raising five sons, having twin grandsons, and yet another baby boy grandson who I never get to see, now nearly two (MATTHEW & TOMIE'S son STERLING)...I like to think that perhaps Iris is my ultimate reward.  I never had a daughte.r  I don't feel I ever really got to be a "little" girl excepting when "I" was with my grandmother (the favorite relationship of all time in my life).  I like to feel that such as I am I am that person, making that relationship with Ms. Iris.  I like to feel we have a connection.  That delightful little girl (film at eleven) is such an inspiration to me.  She can be a handful.  She can be "spoiled" which I have made her.  But; she can also be thoughtful, caring, tender, and sweet.  She is my built in reminder sometimes helping to keep me straight and again, my inspiration.  She loves to do all the things I always wanted to do and hopefully she will get to do them.  She is artistic, creative, coordinate and bright.  As she skips out the door to school in her "Little Hippie Girl" outfit she makes me smile.  I have never honestly seen a child happier to go to school.  All smiles and all energy away she goes to spend time with her idol Mrs. Adams.  She adores her teacher not unlike many early school age children.  Mrs. Adams is awesome and she can do no wrong in Iris's book...just as it should be for a good teacher. 

All that said, I like to think that I am facilitating the "connection"...and that it is a "Rainbow" connection.  All things good, beautiful, and wonderful that our God can provide.  No her life is not perfect.  She has problems in her little life that I would take completely away would I could....  But; as it is, she spends 95% of her little life outside of school with her grandparents who keep her well stocked and provided with the tools of the trade for a delightful four-year-old (or nearly five she likes to remind us).  The paper, pens, pencils, crayons, paints, glitter, glue, scissors, sewing machines, paint brushes, and all the fixings of creativity keep coming.  The music flows, the devices to play it on provided.  Yes; hopefully I am making that Rainbow Connection with this little girl.  Hopefully; she will keep going with all her creativity and I can be a part of it through her.  She is afterall the most beautiful granddaughter in Norwich!

More from Mel (Lilhippiema) later....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Regarding Men on a Mission.... Mormon Missionaries

I guess as we all know, throughout life, there are some things we notice more than others.  Mine is "boys".  Not in the traditional sense either.  But; I spent so many years of my life raising my five, hosting their friends and watching them do all those things that boys do...that I can't help but notice to this day the attributes of a growing young man. 

So all that said, today again I was awakened early by a knock at the door.  Now everyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. I am up til the wee hours of the night and sleep mornings.  Just how things fall into place (or not) for me.  The dogs got me out of bed and I made it to the door at about 9 a.m. just in time to see the backs of several suited young men gleefully running through yards and around back down to the main road. I knew who they were, or of what they were.  There were about five  young men all dressed pretty much the same going door to door for our Mormon friends.  :)  But; they reminded me of a bunch of just cut loose Butterflies heading for the prettiest flower on the property.  Just dancing away and going through all those athletic wannabe contortions that young men do...   You know, like when they can't go through a doorway without making sure they still can or can't jump up and touch it?  Or having jumping contests to see if any of them YET can touch the ceiling.  Those were the days.  The days I miss. 

In spite of all that I have to say to our Mormon friends that I don't bite!  :)  I am not Mormon but I do tolerate.  I remember the crew I had way back...about ten years ago. They would come by and we would chat for a while and drink some lemonade or water or something, usually in the yard, and they would be on their way. The nicest bunch I ever had.  :)  This Summer is the first Summer I have had a group knock on my door since.  This being their second attempt that I know of, I have to say, they should try later in the day!  :)  Perhaps with a little more purpose and intent and give folks a chance to answer the door, and maybe not act as if noone was watching them flee down the hill dancing all the way!

Did anyone ever visit that heavily advertised chat thing they have going on?  I tried to one night just to check it out.  Never got a response from them by email or in the chat program.  Perhaps they should be a little more vigilant in their followups!  :)

Yep, that was my morning starter...  OK wannabe starter.  I went back to bed.  It was afterall not "TIME" for me to get up.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aren't You Sorry You Did Now?

I was before and I definnitely am now.  Almost time for our new CEO of Everything's speech...  More socialism abounds for us all.  Saw the tendencies before he started and definitely see more of it now.  I fear that next he will make a state religion with him as CEO of that too.  Guess we all know who HIM is.....  More later!  Almost time for HIS hour.


Kindergarten Was Never Like This For Me!

My Iris started Kindergarten this year.  She will be five the end of the month.  She has now made it through about five days of school.  :)  The stories she tells make me well aware that school is just not what it used to be!  I find myself regaled(?) with tales of "purple girls" who never do anything good, girls with hair like this and girls with hair like that....none of the poor things apparently have any names.  Also; there seems to be a strange deficiency of boy presences.  Apparently; lunch is totally different than it was in my day.  Lunch is delivered to HER in her classroom by "her servants" who do whatever she wants!  Today's lunch was chocolate brownies.  Everyone just ate chocolate brownies.  Seems a high price to pay $2.50 for a lunch of JUST brownies!  However; she did mention telling them how to make a peanut butter and butter sandwich so perhaps lunch tomorrow will be better.  There is hope! With the exception of the "purple girl" who apparently is from another planet school is declared to be "awesome" in every respect! 

I suppose I could call and get more details on the $2.50 brownie lunch delivered by servants and the "purple girl" but I hate to shatter the images playing in my mind that make me laugh so much.  :)  I mean the reality might not be nearly as pretty!  :)  So I stick to the Iris version of school.  Wishing mine had been like that.....

Loving Grammie Mel

PS:  I have encouraged creativity and imagination in this child from the beginning.  I wonder if that has something to do with her portrayal and descriptions of her class?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mel's Chinese Connection ....

OK...just a brief history of the how's and why's!  Long long ago in a land far away, but still kept in the memories, Melody got married and moved with her active duty Navy Sub Sailor spouse to Hawaii.  There my first and best friend was to be Tessie (MeClaughlin).  Tessie was fresh from the Phillipines and spoke Tagalog and very little if any English when she initially joined her Navy Sub Sailor Spouse in Hawaii.  Well; food is afterall a "universal" language.  :)  We communicated initially through food.  She made some wonderful foods which I learned to make through my repertoire of skills and experience, watching her.  These things included my later "personalized" method of making Pork Fried Rice, Pancit, and Lumpia.  :)  All of these are great!  I don't make these things nearly as often as I did while my family was growing up but I do still make them periodically.  Never met anyone who did not like my fried rice!  :)

Well fast forward to more in the present land of time.  :)  Nowadays; my first son born in Hawaii, is with his SO a native born and raised Chinese lady.  :)  She too speaks very little language.  My granddaughter (rerun for most of you) is therefore Chinese American.  Her mom does traditional ethnic type Chinese cooking the likes of which is never seen to my knowledge in the myriad Chinese restaurants out there.  :)

Anyhow; this nutshell version is brought to you all because I have had a request from someone not only about my common userid "Tofugrammie" but asking as an "oh by the way" if I had a recipe for good fried rice.  She alas did not know me at all or any of my history!  Hi Clouddancer!  LOL  So later today, hopefully, will post my time tested, boy tested, crowd tested Pork Fried Rice recipe (substitutions will be allowed).

Hope you all have a great day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

More Good Ol' Norwich, CT -

BTW:  Just an addendum also in local news here today...  A certain judge with a history of totally going after Deadbeat Dads unmercifully irregardless of circumstances, chose to allow a sentence of only 7 years from another Dad who murdered his two-year-old son with the help of other adults.  Some city huh!  Lucky we live downtown Norwich!

Mel (feeling chatty and inspired today)

In the News......Schools

Well it is no secret.  I homeschooled two of my sons for quite a few years.  I tried it all, public, private, parochial with the five of them and ultimately after years as a PTO President, I pulled the last two out of the system and taught them at home.  Now it is time for grandchild #3 to go to school.  Well ultimately I put her in Parochial Kindergarten, at St. Joseph's School in this city.  They have an AWESOME Kindergarten program.  They have three rooms designated for their use, two teachers fulltime, and about 25 kids at this time.  The head teacher is a mega veteran teacher having taught kindergarten since at least my fourth son was in Kindergarten.  Before that she taught second grade for several years.  I know she has been doing kindergarten at least 21 plus years based on when my little "Chrissy" had her and loved her as a teacher.  She did a great job then, Mrs. Adams, and now with her veteran assistant Mrs. Christenson(?), I am sure they have done nothing but improve on perfection!  :) 

Reading articles from the last few days in the local newspaper (The Norwich Bulletin), my decision to place her there was reinforced in triplicate...  The failure rate of meeting state requirements in this city's schools is horrific.  Sorry to sound dramatic but there are no other words.  Out of 11 elementary and Middle schools, eight of them failed.  How badly they failed I don't know but the information states that they did not meet adequate "progress" even.  Reading was noted as particularly "bad".  This among other reasons is why Iris is not in public school.  Yes; I could have homeschooled her but the Princess needs other children.  And I know this is a good Kindergarten program. 

So all that said, my extra boy will be here any minute.  Ms. Iris and her Dad will be here at any time too.  So we will leave you with these thoughts and impressions for now.  BTW:  Another thought I have to make schools more accountable is set up a system where the state pays each school per child registered and let parents choose where to enroll them.  Maybe if the schools have to be accountable to the parents to get paid (ie:  parents CHOOSE them) then perhaps the standards would come up.  Something has to be done.  The little boy I take care of is going into second grade in Public School and can't read and do math as well as four-year-old Iris.  Just the facts.

Later!  Hugs!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Long Time No Chat.... So Much...

Well I am here.  Still kicking.  So much going on.  The life of mine just keeps spinning.  :)  Still hoping to see all my boys together for something..sometime soon.  Just miss that.

Ms. Iris...seems such a short time ago she was born!  I took care of her in the hospital and ever since.  Soon she will be five.  Started Kindergarten yesterday.  The night before she informed her Dad that she could not go to school the next day because "she did not want a fat teacher".  I laughed so when he told me that.  Then; after school the next day, she told him "I love my fat teacher".  :)  Her teacher has taught kindergarten for like 26 years give or take a year.  My son Christopher had her for kindergarten and he is now 26 years old.  Speaking of Christopher, one of my all time favorite songs is "Rainbow Connection".  Everytime I hear that song I think of Christopher perhaps because he always loved the Muppets and does such an interesting Kermit imitation.  :)  Been that way today.  Lots of thoughts about my kids.  Concerned for Ms. Iris as her folks don't get along.  She depends on me so much.  Her folks love her I guess but are in their own worlds too much for my taste.  Today after school, for her, both her parents were home.  Mom was in PJ's sitting on the couch (when I got there).  Dad was on the computer.  Ms. Iris had called me and told me on the phone (all by her self she does this) that "Dad had lost the truck and would I PLEASE just come get her".  Mind you she had been home from school probably about 20 minutes.  Neither of them taking time to talk to my granddaughter and spend time with her after her second day of school.  She had to call her Grammie to come get her and cuddle her and talk to her.  Then we went to Joann's!  :)  Well we had to do something right?  Anyhow; if you like Rainbow Connection, there are several versions in my Playlist containing lots of my favorite music.  Take a listen!  :)

I hope to get some soap and some bread made this next week as "Dad" is off work and I should get a free block of time.  I have so much to do though and never seem to get it done.  I now am caring for a seven-year-old boy on weekends while his single mom works second shift.  He is "hyper" by current labeling.  Ol' Mel is not a fan of that.  I get such a kick out of him and he and Iris are good for each other.  He has alot of issues due to his parental situation, Dad in jail, house burned down two months ago, and it goes on and on.  But; he loves it here and he loves Iris.  The dogs love them both!

Well that is enough catching up for now.  I hope to hear from some of you soon.  Sorry to be gone so long.  When I get the soap and bread made you can send me  your orders!  LOL  Meanwhile I am crocheting and adding Plastic Canvas projects to my repertoire.

Bye for now!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Miracle of Miracles...

A while back while he was still living home and oh so much younger, one of the things I remember best, my son Matt loved this song. He would sing along and dance to it. Wonder if he ever thinks of it as I do? I always think of the things he liked best. He has had nothing to do with us to speak of now in 12 years. It is nearly his birthday. He has a son now. Wonder if he thinks too... Well; here's to you Matt! Happy 29th birthday on June 25th!

Love & Hugs to you and that baby and Tomi!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Sweetheart" & Iris

Yet another kitten ended up here. A neighbor's son kept finding the kitten thrown out so to speak in his neighborhood. Some folks call this dumping and whatever. No matter how many times he returned it to the owner he kept finding this baby outside in his neighborhood. The kitten is lovely, seems healthy enough, and about six to seven weeks old. This is a pic of Iris with "Sweetheart". I bet you don't know who named her! :)


Me & My Genie - Mel's Grocery Tote

Perfect example of what we do together... Tee hee. I have a donated bolt of upholstery type fabric (I Think!). I cut a length of it and we together, Genie and I, conjured up a double seamed (at least) totally reversible , well strapped (straps sewn to the base between the layers) grocery tote! :) Enjoy!


Sewing Machine of the Week - Review!

This week I am in love with the little Singer Genie model 354 again. So much so, that I am pushing it at my friends and picked up two more for back up just like her! LOL We are doing great things together! She is a mighty little lightweight sewing machine with self-encasing cover so to speak. She has built in stretch stitches. :) Next post will give you an example of what we are doing together!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Once Upon A Time - Simple Pleasures

Once upon a time Mel got a big haul. Those who have been on the lists a long long time will recall those stories. To summarize, a retired Viking Tech was getting rid of his stuff stored in his garage from his sewing Tech years. This included a huge number of machines and parts. The whole lot was purchased as "one" unit with machines as is. Today Ol' Mel, years later, went diving for a Sensor Sew Machine because the machines she got out did not do the stitches, built in, that Pei wanted/needed for her repair job. Well said Sensor Sew was missing a couple of things so I went digging for parts to get her up to speed. I needed a spool cap and would you believe like everything else they are not readily exchangable between brands.....sigh. So; I spotted a case I thought contained a Kenmore and went to great lengths to haul it out of the closet (don't worry, will pay tomorrow already sore) and alas it was a New Home. But; knowing alot of them were compatible I hauled her to the living room. This New Home MemoryCraft 5500 had no controller and had long been overlooked and forgotten. Well I took the spool cap and did my best and utmost (hubbie too) with the Sensor Sew but it had an issue we could not resolve in a couple of hours... So I took the controller from it and just as I suspected it was the same one that poor long put away New Home needed. Well that bugger fired right up and sews the most MOST gorgeous tiny little stitches I am in love! :) Alas; I have no manual for this baby and would love to have one. The Sensor Sew is in the corner now...of the naughty machines in need of more than I can give right now....back hallway, and the New Home is graduated and sitting on the coffee table basking in the glow of attention for the first time in at least ten years! After ten years sitting for lack of a controller, or more, she fired right up and did everything I tried perfectly. So if anyone has a manual for this baby, will be contacting Justina my dear friend in WV and checking with Janome site; please let me know! I am tickled as a kid in a candy store finding a treasure of a machine hiding in plain site in my own closet! Makes the fact that one I spent $$ on is not working. This baby was paid for long ago. I figure in that haul the machines cost me $5. I long ago sold more than enough from the haul that it was paid for. I still have stuff left. This baby, while is discolored in spots, seems to have everything except bobbins and needles and manual. So I wait to hea! Ladies and gents... I am tickled!

Mel (who is easy to thrill)

Note: Got a manual, PDF, from Janome in a matter of hours!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keep the Door Open...

The door to learning that is. That has always been my philosophy with children. Given the opportunity, IE: The Door Always Open, they will do the rest. Give them the avenues to pursue and a rainbow to get there and they will blossom! Iris loves art....she is terribly creative. We endeavor to provide her with the materials to facilitate that creativity and imagination and she does the rest. She discovers things I had forgotten and perhaps never knew experimenting with techniques and colors with no labels or names...yet. As a Mom of five and grandmother of four I have always endeavored to hold the door to learning open through preschool years and those years I homeschooled and those years I did not. Give them the opportunity...go with the flow....keep the rainbow of learning running to where they want to go and they will do the rest. I remember being told along the way to "quit teaching my kids at home" by professional teachers who could not teach them in school. I had one son, labeled gifted by the system, who literally colored his way through second grade and ended up very stressed because the teacher did nothing with him. And; when she did it was age inappropriate. Anyhow; that is a story for another day...thanks Mrs. Jabbs NOT! You see; I don't think I "teach". I don't think of it that way. Children are born as blank empty plates pretty much. They are a gift and it is our job to fill their plates with all the good things we can. I endeavor to do that.

Now back to the peace and quiet of the home place... A certain little girl is in the living room watching Bolt with her favorite CD of the week (Alvin & the Chipmunks) playing on the stereo in the same room.... Newspapers spread on the coffeetable, six bottles of paint and myriad brushes, and a stack of paper ....while she dances and creates. That is what it is all about. If we could only keep it that way.


Found Right On My Face....

Remember the joke... I mean the folks who are looking and looking for their glasses and find them right on their face? Well; this is kind of based on that. You see I was in the Living Room tediously refilling small bottles of her highness' choice from the bigger bottles of paint. In the process there were multiple choices and lids involved. Well I sat there looking for a lid and Iris, four-years-old "still" as she says, was looking too. Finally I found the lid...already on the bottle. When I stated I had it and it was already on the bottle I realized she was already starting at me patiently kind of without words as to what to say... She had seen it first.... But; no cracks no remarks. I think that is one of the unique arrangements between grandchildren and their grandparents.... We are ideally patient with them always and they learn that patience and return it to us. They don't mind a little senility if we don't mind the little kid things that happen. They have not yet learned to "judge" and be critical. Oh it would be so nice if the whole world would just stay that way!


Finally the Demise of Old Technology...

Well it does not work anymore. Ms. Iris made it official today. As she sat down to watch her NEW movie, Bolt, she came running out to the Dining Room. You know how they have all those blurbs on the beginning? Well she informed me that she needed...really "needed" 101 Dalmatians. Being puzzled, I why does she "need" 101 Dalmatians as I quickly ran the through the mental catalog I keep of versions of that movie she has (being the deprived only girl in this old lady's life)... I tried various you have you mean this one, etc. Finally we adjourned to the living room where Grammie thought showing Ms. Iris a copy of the "movie" would work. Well she informed me very expressively and vocally that NO she needed the MOVIE as she made her hands go in a circle shape... You know the MOVIE! Then I got it. Old technology is dead. The VCR tapes don't cut it anymore....too slow for her to get to what she wants. She wants a DVD copy of the 101 Dalmatians. You know...the MOVIE kind! Sigh.... I am getting old!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Into Every Life.... A Little Rain Must Fall...

Seems like life goes on in spite of or because of us. When I was having so many troubles, at one point, I felt like the world was all focused on me and pointing their fingers and going..... Oh dear...she sure has messed things up. In particular at times I have felt certain family members and friends (outside the loop of normal folks like me) were doing just that. Now it would seem that gradually surefootedly they with age are coming inside that very same circle I reside in. No; I am not pointing the finger I mentioned earlier. At least, I try very hard not to. I can't help but notice sometimes though that some of these very same folks who had hte perfect families done just right sooner or later come INSIDE the circle as realitiy hits. Real life does happen, the bubble bursts, and more get into that circle of reality. Perfect children do imperfect things, or we find out imperfect things happened to them. We realize we can't fix it all which while we always knew we couldn't somehow now it hits us in the face in yet a bigger way. Much as we want to fix it all, we know we can't. All we can do is pray and "be there" IF they let us...and deeper into the circle of those with imperfect out of control lives we find ourselves.

Long ago I decided that the more children one has, the sooner and more apt one is to fall inside the circle of "imperfect out-of-control" worlds. I know I am seated there. A little while ago I thought pretty much I had the only seat in that circle. Then I realized there was a seat beside me and now it is occupied..yet another seat sits there waiting for the next occupant.

There is no escape for us older folks/older parents from the "circle of reality". Sometimes our chair's position might change but once reality hits it is there to stay.

I feel badly for my family with problems, really I do. I can't help but say though "Welcome to the club". There is strength in numbers. I would rather have company in the "circle" than be there sitting alone. Perhaps this is what the full circle is all about....families/sibling groups grow apart for years once grown.... Then; when those they are growing are done...seemingly...they come back to one another out of a sense of commonness, IE: Being in that circle together again. Sharing life's problems from another vantage.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Found it!

One of my all time favorite versions of this song... Take a listen! Too sweet!

Friday, March 13, 2009

On a Brighter Note....Ways To Help

Heard of the neatest website on ABC News tonight. :) Right up my alley and I hope yours too.. is a site where folks can post needs and grant wishes. Sounds great to me. When I just tried the site, it said not available. I did verify the link and that is what it is. So keep trying. I will try again later. I am determined!

Also; don't forget I sponsor two little girls in Appalachia there, more specifically in Kentucky. If you don't want the responsibility of a monthly obligation, then you can choose to donate to this or that need to benefit children on the site. :)

There are so many ways to help people. I love to to help people. I know that I could be paying off bills but some things are just more important to me. :)


Monday, March 9, 2009

Mel's Round Dish/Face/Wash Cloths (Doilies too!)

I use 100% cotton yarn, Lily Sugar N' Cream or Bernat Handicrafter with size 7 or 8 (US) Needles

Knitted Round Dishcloth

Finished Size: Depends on your individual gauge. Mine range about 10 inches across.

Materials: 4-ply cotton yarn knitting needles of appropriate size to match the yarn

Cast on 15 sts.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: k3, YO, k until one st remains on left needle. DO NOT KNIT LAST ST, turn.

Row 3 (and all odd rows): knit

Row 4: k3, YO, k until 2 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 6: k3, YO, k until 3 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 8: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 4 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 10: k3, YO, k until 5 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row12: k3, YO, k until 6 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 14: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 7 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 16: k3, YO, k until 8 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 18: k3, YO, k until 9 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 20: Bind off 3 sts, knit across (15sts total).

Repeat rows 1-20 seven more times. Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing the seam. Sew cast on edge to bind off edge, and sew around center and pull to close hole.

orks best for me. I recommend size 7 or 8 (US) needles til you get a feel for the size and look you want most! :)

"Nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than one's self" (used by John McCain in his acceptance speech)

"Everyone has the power of greatness, because greatness is determined by service". Dr. Martin Luther King


Mel's Doughboys

Many many years ago I fell in love with "Doughboys" also known as Fried Dough and probably several other names. I did not like to pay the price but did on rare occasions in the Summer at Fairs and Festivals. In the meantime for year round delight for the boys...devised my own simple recipe. Today I was thinking her Royal Highness Princess Iris of All would enjoy some later on this snowy day... So went digging for the longtime not used recipe. Here it share with the world...Enjoy!

Mel's Doughboys

1 cup lukewarm water
1 cup warm milk (warm to touch - bit warmer than baby bottle)
2.5 T. Honey
2.5 T. melted butter (or marg.not too hot)
1 full T. Yeast
About 6 cups ubleached flour (I like King Arthur's)

If you are in a hurry and have no ambition and your hands and arms get sore
in your old age, use a Kitchen Aid mixer! :) It saves time and energy!

OK... Mix in the water, milk, butter, and honey...well. Add half the flour.
Mix well until it is coming of spoon or mixer attachment in sheets. Add the
rest of the flour one cup at a time continuing to mix. If using Kitchenaid
or other 300 watt or better mixer (with at least a 4 qt bowl) continue
mixing (machine knead) for at least 5 minutes until the dough is cleaning
sides of bowl. If mixing by hand, mix until dough is "right" and cleaning
sides of bowl. :) Then knead by hand for ten to twelve minutes... Clean
bowl and lightly oil/grease sides and bottom. Return dough to bowl. Cover
with damp clean cloth. Let rise til double in bulk in warm draftfree place
(I use my often with pilot light only where applicable). My new oven I turn
on a few minutes...turn it off. Check temp and put dough in to rise with
door shut... THis should take about one hour to rise. WHen finished,
portion into dough balls, work with hands, flatten out and place in hot
frying oil. Turn once during frying. :) Wait til color is right. Serve as
desired with pizza sauce, cheese, confectioner's sugar..etc.

Mel's' Dishcloths...

Had a request to share that pattern, I will later. A good longtime internet friend in Holland wants it...The Netherlands... So will post that later.... Meanwhile, view the next post!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Paperback Swap Online

Found an interesting site today while looking for a book.... :) Check it out! I am signed up now and am giving it a try. From what I read it has been referenced on several major network TV shows.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Something to Share!

This is something I found in a vintage pattern booklet the other day. It says it is mixer cover and toaster cover. Personally; I am thinking the mixer cover will work for a sewing machine cover. The directions are very simple. I want to try and upload it to the blog... I think you can copy it and blow it up big enough to use. If not, will figure something else out!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Just an "Iris" Story: - As the "Wedding Unfolds"

I have one more Iris story... I will try to keep brief. My second son
announced that he and his longtime SO of nine years are going to marry in
December. :) Well; he said he would not have it any other way but to have
Iris be the flower girl. Iris looked at me with tears in her eyes and said
"But I don't want to get married"! :) I could not get it through her head.
I tried everyway that I could to explain it to her. Then the next day she
watched a Princess movie fest....starting with "The Little Mermaid". At the
end of which she came to tell me the store as she always done. She told me
they "Kissed" which made them fall in love and at the end of the movie they
"got married with the help of their friends". I explained to her then,
seizing the opportunity, that Josh & Melissa were going to get married and
she was their friend and she had to "help" them by carrying the flowers
wearing a beautiful dress! She agreed that she could "help" them and
be a Princess in their wedding. So that hurdle is crossed. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Congratulations Josh & Melissa!

All this enclosed said, I am so very very happy for my guy and his girl!

Hmmm.. Think I have another better understanding of the term "bittersweet" unless I am using the term wrong.

My second son called me last night. Josh, the father of the twins who will soon be eleven, called me to break the news. :) Funny, a couple of months ago I had joked with him about this very thing. Anyhow; he finally stepped up to the plate, purchased a diamond, and proposed to Melissa. He has been with Melissa for nine years or so and I am not at all surprised. I am so happy for him I could cry... It is just the thought of so much "romance". He totally surprised Melissa who was not at all expecting it. It had to be wonderful. At the same time, I guess I am too frank perhaps everyone gets hit this way, I am very sensitive and well I am reminded of that very feeling that is missing in my life and that too makes me sad.

Yes; my son is a man. He is doing the right thing and words can't begin to explain how happy that makes me... But; at the same time it is a reminder of things missed, things not there. Of course, I can't talk to my husband about this sort of thing anymore than I can talk to him about anything else. I called my friend and talked to him a little bit. He understands without definition. He has been a very good friend. Even though he is steeped in his own troubles (unemployed for months now without even unemployment. .living off his mother's good graces, he talks to me. That is so important.

Anyhow; guess I should have put this on my blog. I am more or less treating the list like a diary! :) It is afterall my history I am telling here. ;) But; you all are friends. So keep your Summers open! We might have a wedding and you will all have to attend! :)

I am happy....really I am....for Josh & Melissa and wish them all the best that life can ever bring/afford them.

Mom - Mel
Blog: http://soapnsews. blogspot. com/

NorwichCT: Join - http://groups. group/NorwichCTS haring/?yguid= 170449411

My Watkin's Link/Site: http://www.watkinso melodygillette/

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sweet Pea

One of my teenager cats... Sweet Pea was born May 29, 2008 and found in a woodpile cord still attached alone. I bottle raised her and got her through some throat issues which caused an eating disorder. I had 26 foster kittiens over the Summer. I kept Sweet Pea, Petra, and Roscoe from that batch. All had "issues" but are seemingly none the worse for the wear now... If you overlook the little things like one ruined eye, and undersized Sweet Pea and Roscoe who always has a cold! :) I now have two bottle raised babies nearly ten weeks old...found in a litter newborn in the road in November. I will post pics of them eventually. Altogether I have eight cats. I might decide to place the babies and bring in two older "hard to place" cats from the Rescue place. Everyone wants babies and they are easy to place this time of year (relatively) in good homes. So; I may just take a couple young about three to five. I have three seniors now, and three teens, and two babies.

OK all...enjoy! Off to work on some other computer things!

Please comment!


You have to check this out!

Brings me back down memory lane. When I was a child I started singing in choirs...then all the way into my twenties it continued. I sang in church choirs and in school choirs even making all-state chorus. Anyhow; wish I could still sing. This song brings back memories because it is one of the first I ever sang. Did not realize Alan Jackson did this sort of thing. I will be looking for a CD of his with this on it. This is awesome! You just have to check out this link! :) Enjoy! I sure did! Brings tears to my eyes...

Hugs! Mel

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Joey Dee & Me

Did I ever tell you one of my favorite stories? Well; I will tell you that someday before I am toooo old and he is even older, I hope to be able to sit in on a performance of Joey Dee & The Starlighters AGAIN. You see; many years ago, more than I care to count. I was a young lady living in a little city in NY. I had an apartment with a girlfriend. I was approximately 21-years-old. I LOVED to dance. I LOVED music in general as I still do (have you seen my playlist?). Anyhow; for quite a time, Joey Dee & The Starlighters used to play at a little place just down my little street called the Cabaret. They were regulars there and so were Sherry L. Kellogg and myself. :) They would sing and play and we would dance. Sometimes with them, particularly my "juiced" girlfriend Sherry! We would sit with them on their breaks. I highly doubt that they would remember me but I definitely never will forget those nights of dancing and talking with them at the Cabaret in Olean, NY. Someday I will see them again. Someday I will know far enough ahead that they will be playing at the Mohegan Sun in the Wolf Den and will get to see them again. I know they are alot older. Some of do age. But; well it happens to the best of us and some memories deserve revisiting in more than just our minds.
