My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mel's Round Dish/Face/Wash Cloths (Doilies too!)

I use 100% cotton yarn, Lily Sugar N' Cream or Bernat Handicrafter with size 7 or 8 (US) Needles

Knitted Round Dishcloth

Finished Size: Depends on your individual gauge. Mine range about 10 inches across.

Materials: 4-ply cotton yarn knitting needles of appropriate size to match the yarn

Cast on 15 sts.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: k3, YO, k until one st remains on left needle. DO NOT KNIT LAST ST, turn.

Row 3 (and all odd rows): knit

Row 4: k3, YO, k until 2 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 6: k3, YO, k until 3 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 8: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 4 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 10: k3, YO, k until 5 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row12: k3, YO, k until 6 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 14: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 7 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 16: k3, YO, k until 8 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 18: k3, YO, k until 9 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.

Row 20: Bind off 3 sts, knit across (15sts total).

Repeat rows 1-20 seven more times. Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing the seam. Sew cast on edge to bind off edge, and sew around center and pull to close hole.

orks best for me. I recommend size 7 or 8 (US) needles til you get a feel for the size and look you want most! :)

"Nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than one's self" (used by John McCain in his acceptance speech)

"Everyone has the power of greatness, because greatness is determined by service". Dr. Martin Luther King


1 comment:

homegrownsongwritersalabama said...

I love the "new look" of your blog! I love your round face cloths but I would get lost even trying to crochet them!