My Space...My Place... To share thoughts and feelings and get through the day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Church Thoughts......

I have often wondered and wondering now...whatever happened to church as I knew it?  I have come to the conclusion that people as they age want things to remain like they were...certain things at least.  The things that made them comfortable.  We are after all what we have lived....  as much as what we live.  When I was little I went to an old style country Methodist Church.  That "dinosaur" is a thing of the past.  That little church that served the members and the community as it faded away is a thing of the past.  The sixties came and they literally tore the building down and paved the lot for parking...  I miss that church.  After that, in the sixties, I attended a very "milk toast" church.  No spirit there at all...  Just folks coming in to do their time on Sunday morning.  The only real "spirit" in the sense of knowing God was there was in the heart of the organist/pianist and her family.  The rest were just well "doing their time".  Then came the seventies (have you guessed my age  yet?).  In the seventies the Nazarenes came to town.  The little church in Alfred Station with the poverty pitching preacher that bent over backwards hauling "sheep" in but did not know how to deal with them when they got there. His heart was in the right place as he did the best he knew how...which ended him up now in Florida I think.  :)  That church is gone.  But; I learned from that church what sticks with me today.  I learned that God was meant to be shared....  Don't hide the light under a bushel.  You should be out there sharing and inviting folks to share the "love" with you.  As I tell my granddaughter now all the time, she being six, if you hold anger in your heart you are taking up the space that "love" needs.  Afterall; hearts are for loving.  So while the drama of it all was intimidating and a big put off at the time; now I miss that.  I can't find it anywhere.  Where did "church" go.  If that is the church I seek, the church of my youth so to speak, where is it? 

After highschool I ended up back what was then the new Methodists....milk toast with sugar...  Folks who drank and partied on Saturday night and came in to do their very routine and "guessable" church on Sunday morning with the sermon from the barrel written years before...nothing spontaneous...    This compared to everything made up as it went along in High School's Nazarene Church.  That ended badly.  When the preacher's family disowned me as a friend the church literally drove me out.  Left a bad taste in my mouth to say the least and I did no church for many years.  Then; about eight years later I began looking again.  I tried again Nazarenes whose first impression was that my three little boys were going to you know where (before the age of five) if I did not "dedicate" them to the power of the church...  Sigh... again... I walked away....  Remembering I sought them. Noone ever reached out to me in adulthood for church purposes short of Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses going door to door.  I tried a few others spending a long time with the Continuing Congregationalists here in New England.  The key being again that "I" sought them out and had it pointed out to me regular initially that they did not know what to do with us because noone had ever sought them.  Again I ask....where is the religion of my youth?  What happened to sharing God and reaching out?  Well I fought to fit in that church for a good ten years with NEVER an invitation to join that church as a member.  I finally got my old Methodist membership of my own volition and transferred it to there...where it sits today.  I don't sit there however anymore.  I finally gave up.  Ten years of trying to feel at home finally ended...  Guess I am difficult? 

So that brings us to the present.  The present is where I sit.  I can honestly say that in 33 years in New England states, CT to be exact, the only "religions" that have reached out and solicited or shared God (their version granted) with me are as follows...  The Mormons (door to door) but they quit coming some years ago...  The Jehovah's Witnesses who have all but quit, and believe it or not the Catholics.  I forgot to mention that I had my boys in Parochial school for mega years without ever getting an invitation to be part of that church.  Now; my granddaughter is in parochial school in another town.  Believe it or not that "Father" is the first man of the cloth to reach out and offer to share his religion with open arms to my family in over thirty years.  Perhaps that is the direction I am meant to go.  You see I have looked....  and lookd...and tried and tried.  Obviously I have done something wrong technique is heart is deficient... I don't know.  But; well if it were a contest for the one branch that reached the furthest to try and fit us in a church family it would be the Catholics....  Thanks Father Tito.  Religion is alive and well in my part of CT in the heart of a Catholic Priest and a small group of Sisters.  Don't know what happend to religion in this state but it is well hidden....not like where I grew up....  Maybe it's afraid of the "son light"?



karen608 said...

Hi, so true! All I can tell you is that when God starting reeling me in, I was reading my bible everyday, then when I realized I wanted to go to church, I prayed hard, visited them and then at one during the sermon with lots of scriptures being read, I believed and the Holy Spirit moved in! Very thrilling. And it is not a perfect church but great teaching and preaching. That was in 1999. So pray very hard and be in God's word, as He will guide you!

Unknown said...

Thanks Karen. I have long neglected this blog but your comments have me thinking again. I need to redo this blog and figure out the settings I have and get back on the church bandwagon. I am highly considering converting to Catholic for alot of reasons. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Karen. I have long neglected this blog but your comments have me thinking again. I need to redo this blog and figure out the settings I have and get back on the church bandwagon. I am highly considering converting to Catholic for alot of reasons. :)

Houseblessings said...

Hi, I saw a link to your blog on the Elnaheirllooms message board and was intrigued by your blogname and the quote at the bottom, "When you pray, move your feet". I loved it. I see we both make circle washcloths...more in common. I was wondering how your church-search is going. My heart goes out to you as I have the church you are longing for, but its in Vista, Ca. I think you'd make a nice friend.

Unknown said...

Just an update from Mel here...who should also update her pic. This whole thing is hard. I have spent years "finding a fit". I guess as I joke ... "Does not play well with others" should have been tatooed on my forehead at birth! Maybe I expect too much? There have been so many things going seemingly wrong in life lately. One alone would be enough but they just keep coming. I just that is why they call it life. There is no defined beginning we control and neither do we control the end... The troubles are like that as are the blessings.... No beginning and no end. Anyhow; I ramble. I found a very nice little Baptist Church I really like. I believe they were categorized as an "Independent" Baptist church. Wonderful people. I still have my stereotypical organized church "Continuing Congregational" which I gave up fitting in long ago though on paper I belong there. Paper is well...meaningless. :) I love some of the folks but just am not comfortable at all wtih the way they "play church" and I do believe unfortunately too many of them are playing a game. Then there is the Catholic Church. :) My older boys went most of the way through school in Parochial schools becuase it was the best choice at the time. Then they did a few years of public or as in the case of the two youngest, six years of homeschool. Now my granddaughter is doing Parochial School. I love the two teaching nuns they have. In particular, due to personal experience, I simply thing the "elderly" nun who has taught first grade basically her whole life is the best....foremost best...first grade teacher I have ever seen. She, Sister Bernadette, and Sister Michelle who I have not personally experienced as a teacher yet (Iris being only in second) are both real people...simply awesome. They are Sisters of Charity based in Baltic, CT. I love them. I don't know the Principal who came back there this year. I have had no interaction with her. So I can't speak of her. :) There I go rambling again. I do love Father Tito....great Priest at St. Michaels the parent parish church. I am very comfortable wtih those folks and tempted to go Catholic because of them. However; good friends keep saying awful things about Catholics. I guess there is good and bad in everything.

Now if you were here in CT, yes, we could be friends. I think perhaps we have m uch in common. Don't feel I have much in common with folks here. I miss my youngest son. Thought I had lost him. Tore me up. But; he is talking to me again pretty good. We were always close. The "terrible years" with "Dad" caused issues. However; I have no real generational experience to fall back on...IE: Adult relationships with relatives...and don't know how much "not liking" is normal with adult children. WE always love them but do we always like them? How do we handle it? But; that is another blog for another day and unfortunately, this one is too long already. I apologize. Keep posting for me. I like this!


Houseblessings said...

Hi again. I grew up in a Baptist Church and have known genuine and wonderful Catholics whom God has used in my life as well. We've been actively attending a Calvary now for nearly 20 years.
Like you, I never felt like I fit in and I didn't. Now its great to be old, because no one expects you to fit in. I think I've just always been a little eccentric.
We homeschooled our girls in their early years, when no one else was doing it in our church or neighborhood, you had keep a low profile, and my parents totally freaked. I had to give it up because of poor health. I had chronic fatigue, later FMS, both before doctors thought it was real. They are beautiful young moms now, making lots of grandbabies for me to hold. I love to encourage them. Our surprise son, came late and he is now a 19yr old Jr in college. We homeschooled him through hi school.
If yours is in the 17-21 range, hang in there! I can't believe what a goof mine is sometimes, or how he manages to do so well in school. But he does, and I know God has His hand on his life and is able to accomplish what He has planned for him.
More things in common: I love tofu!
But I could use a good recipe. It always tastes better when I eat out. (Especially in Hawaii!)
I'm home with the flu today, but mending nicely. We usually meet somewhere for lunch after church, but I'm staying in.
I'd post a pic, but not sure how.